Why we must elect Jessica Scarane as Delaware’s next Senator.

Jared Schablein
4 min readJul 20, 2020

There is no doubt that Donald Trump has been the most damaging President in United States History. Trump’s reckless and moronic policies have caused significant damages to our Country and its’ image. His off-putting and childish behavior has severely damaged America’s image on the international stage and pushed our long-standing allies away. His radical rhetoric and cabinet appointments have radicalized both the Republican Party and the Country leading to the rise of many far-right and White Nationalist groups. Finally, Trump’s miss mishandling of the economy has caused devastation to working people across the Country. Trump’s uneducated trade policy has created a trade war that has put a massive financial strain on our farmers. His tax scam for the ultra-rich has lead to mass wealth-income inequality not seen since the Great Depression. Worst of all, his complete mishandling of the Covid-19 Pandemic has resulted in the death of over 143,000 Americans and a total economic collapse pushing working families and small businesses to the brink.

These devastating policy follies will require bold leadership to rebuild our nation’s economy, image, and spirit at home and abroad. Keeping this in mind, it is easy to see why the upcoming Democratic Senate Primary on September 15th between Chris Coons and Jessica Scarane is critical. Delaware must have a Senator who reflects the state’s values and champions policies that will rebuild America’s economy with a people and worker-centered focus in mind.

Over the course of this article, we will discuss why Senator Chris Coons does not have the voting record, belief system, or leadership needed to rebuild America. As well as why voting for Jessica Scarane on September 15th is essential for Delaware and the entire Delmarva Peninsula and our Country.

Who is Jessica Scarane?

Jessica is a Democrat running to be the first woman to represent Delaware in the United States Senate. She was born and raised in New Windsor, New York, from a working-class family where her father worked in sales, and her mom earned a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree before becoming a teacher. Her mom’s commitment to education inspired Jessica. She would go on to earn a bachelor’s degree from Syracuse University in 2006. She also would go on to graduate from the University of Delaware within an MBA in 2019. Jessica moved to Delaware 10 years ago and lived with her husband, Bill, who is a lifelong Delawarean. They live, work, and volunteer in the City of Wilmington. Wilmington suffers from highly concentrated racial and wealth inequality. For years, Jessica has worked within the system to make her city and state better. She has tutored and mentored young students, served on the board of a local nonprofit that runs after-school programs for Delaware girls and lobbied her elected officials to support policies that would prioritize our needs, not the profits of corporations and special interests.

Jessica’s campaign and platform

Electing Jessica Scarane would usher in the fresh new leadership that Delaware and the United States Senate desperately need after decades of massive wealth inequality, corporate pollution and climate change, affordable housing crisis, and mass incarceration. What separates Jessica from the toxicity coming out of Washington, D.C today is that her campaign is a grassroots, people-funded movement that rejects all corporate PAC money. Meaning she is not beholden to the corporate interests that spend billions killing legislation that helps working people.

Jessica is also running on a bold progressive platform that includes Medicare for All, a universal housing guarantee, a Green New Deal, and ending our nation’s endless wars policies that are crucial in America’s recovery effort from the COVID-19 pandemic and helping us build a better country and world. These are the policies that America will need to implement to rebuild after Covid-19 and Donald Trump and policies that Chris Coons refuses to support despite overwhelming support from voters across party lines.

The real Chris Coons

Jessica is challenging incumbent Senator Chris Coons. Despite representing the forward-thinking State of Delaware, Senator Coons has spent his tenure in office capitulating to the radicals leading the modern Republican Party like Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump at the expense of the most vulnerable. Examples of this include how Senator Coons has confirmed over 120 of Trump’s far-right judges and several key Trump cabinet appointees. He also voted to keep troops in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern conflicts and publicly oppose many of the Delaware Democratic Party state platform policies, including a $15/hour minimum wage and strengthening Dodd-Frank.

It is abundantly clear that Senator Coon’s vision of what is politically possible is far too small for the times we’re in. He will continue to hold up progress if he is elected to serve another term.

Supporting Jessica

If you want to help elect a Senator that will stand up for Delaware by fighting for working people you can support the campaign in the following ways.

Sign up to volunteer: https://www.jessfordelaware.com/volunteer

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jess-website?refcode=header

More information about Scarane’s campaign can be found at jessfordelaware.com.

